Wednesday, March 3, 2010

God is kind and merciful. Mariz's CT scans and Xrays have cleared her lungs of CA. She is stronger and able to walk under her own power with some stand by assistance. This has allowed her to start her Gemzetabine IV chemo that is gentle on the liver and Carbo cycle to allow her to stabilize her liver enzymes. Dr. Sasha Vukelja was reportedly ecstatic to find her scans clear of any signs of CA and will allow a more focal treatment of the liver. Her sodium level is stable with IV hypertonic 3% on stand by . She is now able to cough up sputum as she is able to breathe and fill her lungs with air after the ascites is drained. Pls keep praying with us for her recovery, she is very excited to see Pam, Tata, Beverly . She hopes to be released from the hospital by Friday. Ralph


  1. Salamat sa Lord. We will continue to pray for you tmariz. we love you.

  2. Praise God! We love you, Ate Mariz. Take care! :-)
